September 16, 2024

When you implement an Alpha Ros ERP system solution built on the Microsoft .NET framework, you’ve made an excellent investment for the short and long term.

Furthermore, Alpha Ros ERP system solutions are focused on minimizing the cost and complexity of implementation, integration, and support by allowing your employees to focus on business processes and best practices rather than technology.

Hence, by delivering ERP software is the business applications that can be implemented and managed as services-easily deployed anywhere, on any device-we can deliver the low total cost of ownership and rapid return on investment, that can translate into an improved top line, bottom line, and ultimately to market leadership.

ERP system implementations

To enable you to reap the benefits of your ERP system as quickly as possible, we offer an implementation methodology for which we have standardized best practices around the world.

Alpha ROS ERP system implementation methodology consists of the following phases:

Step 1:

First of all, in the discovery phase during which we schedule discussions with you in order to; question, redefine and streamline business processes.

Step 2:

Once we define the business process; furthermore, our consultants will build a model of the proposed solution to be implemented.

Step 3:

A project plan is put in place to implement the solution, on acceptance. The plan includes everything from data conversions and data entry to verifying the network and hardware requirements.

Step 4:

Hence, training is a key aspect of the implementation plan. Users who have been properly trained are able to utilize the full power and functionality. Furthermore making a rapid transition to the new system.

We focus on connecting customers with their areas of business operations. Giving them the power to grow business goals.

Thousands of customers experience the visible changes in reducing costs, streamlining processes and supply chain management. Furthermore, improving relations with customers without any geographical boundaries. So, with proven records of implementation and intuitive user experience; the ERP system can be up and running quickly in the cloud or on your servers.

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